Bed Bug Control

If you have noticed bed bug activity in and around your home, you are advised to contact a bed bug control professional as soon as possible. The sooner bed bug control is dealt with, the less damage will be done. This is especially true if infestations are widespread.

When an infestation is first discovered, it is best to address it quickly with bed bug control methods that do not involve pesticides. In most cases, an inspection with a bed bug control expert will include heat treatment, which can include sealing cracks and crevices, or steam cleaning. If you reside in a condominium or apartment, it is usually best to notify the building owner. Often, a bed bug control team is available in such cases, with several individuals on staff able to deal with all needs. Bed bugs easily move from apartment to apartment, even with the use of heat treatment.

What Is Involved

When bed bug control is tried in a home, the initial approach involves finding all possible hiding places for the bugs. To find these locations, bed bug control companies often use a combination of techniques. While some methods may be more effective than others, bed bug experts often combine techniques that use heat treatment, freezing and/or the use of plastic bags. While bed bugs can survive without a host, they tend to flee when they are disturbed. Heat treatment kills them before they can escape.

For bed bug control at home, heat treatment may be achieved with the use of a bed bug spray called Fipronil, which is marketed under the brand names Regency and Leptin. Several bed bug control companies sell this product as an aerosol spray. The sprays are applied either through the use of plastic bags or directly onto the bed bugs. If plastic bags are used, then the material should first be air-dried. Plastic bags should not be reused due to the potential for bed bugs to be airborne while still in the bag.

bed bug control


Another bed bug control option is the use of insecticides. Several insecticides are available, with varying levels of effectiveness. However, the most popular insecticides for bed bug control are known as fipronil and propoxur. These insecticides are applied to the bugs as an aerosol spray and are available in liquid or powder forms.

During bed bug control at home, bed bugs can be elusive. To locate them, a professional should inspect any suspected infestations. This includes looking for cracks in the walls, floorboards, and any visible signs of infestation. The presence of dust or feces in your bedding may be an indication that an infestation is present. Some individuals choose to invest in a bed bug control system that is portable, which is connected to a sensor that automatically checks for signs of bed bugs and triggers a battery-operated machine that sprays insecticide directly into the bedding and surrounding area.


Another bed bug control option is the use of freezing. Freezing the suspected areas until the eggs hatch has the benefit of killing bed bugs without the need to expose people to live insects. However, this freezing option should only be done in the winter months, as the summer heat can be just as effective in drying out bed bugs and their eggs. One should also be mindful of the dangers of dehydration when using freezing methods.

There are several ways of bed bug control at home, ranging from chemical treatments to the simple task of keeping bed bug eggs from being scattered about. For convenience, one can simply store unused bed bug eggs in Tupperware containers. It is best not to move these containers around, as some have been found to break down easily. Also, using a plastic cover to cover the container is a good idea, as it will prevent the contents from breaking down. For killing bed bugs using pyrethroids, there are several methods, although the most effective is a combination of chemicals, freezing and heat.